"Be Our Mother!" Wendy (Hilda Trevelyan) and the Lost Boys

"The Pillow Dance" 1st Twin(Pauline Chase), Peter Pan (Nina Boucicault), and the Lost Boys

"Our Home Underground" Wendy (Hilda Trevelyan) and the Lost Boys

"The Fight" Peter (Nina Boucicault), Wendy (Hilda Trevelyan), & Captain Hook (Gerald du Maurier)

"The Napoleon Tableau"

"The Reunion" A Lupino (Nana), George Hersee (John), Gerald du Maurier (Mr. Darling), Winifred Geoghegan (Michael), Hilds Trevelyan (Wendy), & Dorththea Baird (Mrs. Darling)

Portrait of Smee (George Shelton)

"With Love from Smee" George Shelton

The director, Dion Boucicault, and his star, Gerald du Maurier

Miss Nina Boucicault as Peter Pan (with signature)

Miss Winifred Geoghehan as Michael

Mrs. Darling (Dorthea Baird), John (George Hersee), Wendy (Hilda Trevelyan), and Michael (Winifred Geoghegan) with signatures of Darling children

Ela Q. May (sometimes mispelled as "Ella") as Liza
1 comment:
Lovely collection! Thank you so much for sharing.
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